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Peace by Piece

4830 Scottsdale Plaza

House Springs, MO 63051


               What is the Christmas Bazaar you ask?  Great question, many have asked, allow us to introduce you to the Christmas Bazaar. Along with donations of clothing we also get new items with price tags still on them.  We get more than clothing much much more than clothing. As these donations come in we have a standard that Pat set years ago that if it wasn’t good enough for her grandkids then it wouldn’t be in the stores. The items we have held back for the past year would be fitting for anyone to give as Christmas gifts. These items include:

New clothing with price tags still on them

New and lightly used toys

Christmas decorations

New gloves and hats

Stocking stuffers

Christmas trees

Stuffed animals

Bath gift sets

New Jewelry

Riding toys



                We have worked countless hours for our community, please come see us we miss you all.


                All money made from the Bazaar sale will go to the Personal Care Program. If you would like more information on this program please see Pat in Peace by Piece.


                Due to the times that we live in we are requiring MASKS and limiting the number of shoppers to 8 people at a time, social distance as much as possible and no children at this time.

Restrictions: Face masks and social distancing is required. Only 8 people will be allowed inside at a time. We ask for your patience.







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