- Back to School Bash 2024: Registration is open & space is very limited. Find out more here.
- Donation Box - The donation box at Faith Community Church is currently OPENED to accept your kind donations. If you have items too large to fit, or fragile in nature, please contact Pat at the number below to arrange a drop-off. Leaving it outside the donation box provides an opportunity for it to be stolen and we lose the chance to provide reasonably priced items and the proceeds to go back into the community..
HELP NEEDED - If you have a few hours available, and could help us prepare to serve our community, we are in need of people to help sort the current backlog of donations. Please contact Pat at 636.575.5441
Hello Followers,
We pray you are all doing well, we miss you all very much. As we look towards the next few weeks, we want to share with you our tentative plans. Please understand that all plans are subject to change depending on the ever-changing world we find ourselves in.
We hope to have the donation box open for donations during the second week of May. We are in the middle of painting the room that the donations go in when the donation box is emptied. We will keep you posted through Facebook; we appreciate your donations without them we could not operate.
Now that we can have volunteers come in and hang clothes, we can begin to look at a date to reopen for summer shopping. We will need help in hanging and getting the stores operational. We will follow the guidelines set forth by our authorities whether that be masks or social distancing. Our priority is our volunteers and customers. Look for a post soon to sign up to volunteer.
Now for the big question, our tentative plan is to open for the summer on June 3rd. Please understand that we care about our community deeply and we are very concerned about our opening too soon. We have prayed and sought counsel with our team, and we feel that this is the best option for Peace by Piece and Hidden Treasures Boutique.
We can’t wait to see you and catch up with our loyal customers. Please know that we have been praying for you, if anyone needs anything urgently please leave a message here on our Facebook and someone will get back with you.
Thank you for your understanding please be safe.
Pat Weiss
Peace by Piece